Free TYPO3 Template

The free (responsive) TYPO3 template

There are several responsive templates for TYPO3 in the internet available. At some you have to add a td3 file, some have long and boring install instructions, some just fail ...

Neverless, my aim was to develop a template Extension, which includes a complete basic TYPO3 setup, some helpful backend- / frontend layouts and a responsive slider with an easy setup.

All is now in the Extension responsive_template (available on TER) - one click to install, easy to maintanace. 

If you have questions, just send me a note to: klaus.heuer[at]

Now lets have a first overview:

The page Setup Section

As mentioned before, the extension includes a complete TYPO3 setup. That means you don't need to include anything else except this extension for a running TYPO3 page - quite simple.

The actual beta version contains a couple of contstants (Template Editor -> Constants) like base URL and other stuff.

The page TypoScript setup is in the Extensionfile Configuration/TypoScript/setup. In this file you find more or less a normal page setup, added with some typoscript for the responsive image handling.

Backend / Frontend Layouts

There are three different backend/frontend layouts included. The Extension will load the data for the backend_layout table by ectension nstalling, please consider that all other backend layouts are dropped in this table. If work on normal content elements, you can choose in the page section the layout.

The extension adds automaticly a page_ts config which overwrites some "normal" fields in the page section tab. There is no need to define a special "frontend layout", as we set via typoscript the frontend layout coresponding to the backend layout.

The extension includes the templates:

• 1-col Layout
• 2-cols (66% main content, 33% right content)
• 3-cols (each 33%)

Each of this layouts have an additional "slider" col on top with the complete page width. For example, this page here is a 2-cols page and I put the image on top in the "slider" col.

Thats all for the moment, in the next days I will write some details of the slider plugin.

Thanks for reading ...



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New in Version 1.0.4

• 3-Level CSS Main Menu

• Mobil Menu

• Slider recognized viewport changes


Last development Version (maybe newer than TER Version) an the changelog.

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